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Sisters celebrate their anniversary of profession

Our Sisters (from left) Lucina Weiss OP, Ernestine Zeißner OP and Irma Schneider OP celebrate their anniversary of profession

Our sisters Ernestine Zeißner, Irma Schneider and Lucina Weiss celebrate their anniversary of profession in the Kist Senior Citizens’ Residence

Sr Ernestine Zeißner OP - 2 May 2024 - 65 years of profession

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want". These lines from Psalm 23 were and are a great support and companion for Sr Ernestine through the highs and lows of her long (religious) life.

Sr Ernestine was born in Wasserlosen near Schweinfurt in 1931. She joined the Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of St Catherine of Siena of Oakford/Natal in Neustadt am Main in 1957 as a trained nurse and made her first profession in 1959. From 1959 to 1967, she worked as an outpatient nurse in the community of Neustadt am Main and was then employed in the order's own St Mary's Hospital in Flörsheim/Main.

In 2015, she joined the community in Diessen am Ammersee, where she was involved in looking after her fellow sisters. She returned to Flörsheim in 2017. After suffering a serious stroke in 2020, she fought her way back to life despite her permanent impairments and is now spending her twilight years with her fellow sisters in Kist.


Sr Irma Schneider OP - 5 May 2024 - 60 years of profession

"My vocation began in the faith I experienced at home, which gave me stability, especially during the turmoil of war. After that, the rural youth, the rural adult education centre and contact with the Dominican Sisters at Volkersberg allowed my vocation to religious life to mature.

On 1 August 1961, at the age of 24, I was able to join the Congregation of Dominican Sisters in Neustadt am Main. The desire to be a missionary in Africa was postponed for the time being. But the ten years at the social centre in Lohr were also a rewarding time.

Then I travelled to Argentina in 1984. There, especially working in the hospital for the poor, I felt completely challenged and in my place as a human being, as a sister.

Jesus' words, "I have come to cast fire on the earth" (Luke 12:49) had already appealed to me in my youth. I wanted to help Jesus and I hope that for some people life has become a little brighter and warmer because of me.

Now that I am fully retired and have arrived at the Kist retirement home, I want to trust that the Lord will say Amen at the right time."

Sr Irma Schneider OP

Sr Irma Schneider was born in Schweinfurt in 1937 and grew up in Seubrigshausen near Münnerstadt. After joining our congregation and making her first profession, she trained as a nurse. From 1974 to 1984, she worked in the St Rochus social centre, which she had co-founded. In 1984, her wish to work in the mission was fulfilled. After a blessed period of work among the poorest in Argentina, she returned to Germany in 2003 and joined our community in Diessen am Ammersee. There she worked in the hospice in Polling and from 2009 in the care of her fellow sisters.

She returned to Neustadt in 2017 and continued to be involved in caring for the co-sisters. In her new home in the Kist senior citizens' residence, she continues to look after her fellow sisters and visits with residents in the residence.

Sr Lucina Weiss OP – 5 May 2024 60 years of profession

"God's guidance has become visible and tangible in my life. At the age of 16, I got to know the Oakford Congregation at the "Missio" mission exhibition in Trier, where sisters Albertina and Cordula were present. As I wanted to go to the mission, I joined the Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena of Oakford/Natal on 1 August 1961 at the Mission House St Joseph in Neustadt am Main.

After my first profession, because I was still underage, I needed my father's notarised permission to leave for the mission in South Africa.  In 1964, the time had come: 14 years in South Africa - studying and working in our schools.

I returned to Germany in 1978 for health reasons. After my recovery, I was assigned to our St Mary's Hospital in Flörsheim and worked in administration, management and community leadership from 1981 to 2017. I also volunteered in the parish and in the diocese of Limburg.

When a place became available in the Kist senior citizens’ residence in January 2023, I moved there. I am grateful to be well looked after now in my retirement and pray for a happy ending. I hope for the resurrection."

Sr Lucina Weiss OP

The celebration of the jubilees of profession will take place on Pentecost Sunday, 19 May 2024, in the Kist senior citizens’ residence. The service will be held by Canon em. Monsignor Dietrich Seidel.

Text: Irene Schneider, Martina Schneider, Sr. Marie-Lu Faupel OP
Translation: Sr. Marie-Lu Faupel OP
Photo: Sr. Marie-Lu Faupel OP

8. Mai 2024