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Sisters move from St. Martin to Kist

Sisters Ernestine, Ildefonsa and Mellita have already settled down well in Kist.

On Thursday, 28 September 2023, the three sisters, who had previously been cared for at the Caritas Senior Centre St. Martin in Lohr, moved to the Senior Residence in Kist. They now live in community with their fellow sisters and have already settled down well in Kist.

Sisters Ildefonsa and Mellita had been at St. Martin's since 2018

Sr Ildefonsa Grätz OP and Sr Mellita Wolf OP had moved to the Caritas Senior Centre in Lohr in the course of the closure of the Dominican convent of St. Josef in Diessen am Ammersee in 2018. Sr Ernestine Zeissner OP went to St. Martin from Flörsheim in May 2020.

Farewell with church service at St. Martin's Senior Center

On Sunday, 24 September, everyone celebrated a church service at the St. Martin Senior Centre. During the service, Monsignor Manfred Sand, pastor there, paid tribute and said farewell to the departing three Dominican Sisters.

Ursula Franz-Marr, the former directress of the home, gave a brief outline of when the sisters had been cared for and nursed at the Caritas facility; at times, twelve sisters lived there. Franz-Marr also mentioned the positive impact the Dominican Sisters have had on St. Martin. "We, too, look back on that time with gratitude", said Sr. Christiane Sartorius OP, provincial prioress for Germany.

The Sisters who live in the Senior Residence in Kist participate in the offerings of the facilities and pray for the needs of the people and the Congregation. Some of our Sisters are engaged in pastoral and social service.

Text & Photo Martina Schneider
Translation Marie-Luise Faupel OP

18th October 2023