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Our mission magazine "kontinente" - (in German) - is a good and contemporary way to support our work, our values and our projects. It appears every two months.

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Sr. Melanie-Marie Green-Thompson OP died on April 6, 2021 at the age of 80.

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"I am very grateful for the talents I have received as a free gift", says Sr Liboria OP, who celebrated her 90th birthday on 26 March 2021 in the convent at Neustadt. The jubilarian lived and worked for 19 years in South Africa and for over 30 years in the St Michael Reha-Centre in Neustadt.

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The preparations for the Feast of Easter also include baking biscuits for the sisters and the staff in the convent at Neustadt.

Everyone who could helped to bake the delicious biscuits - of course, in compliance with all Corona rules.

The prioress, Sr Hilke, expressed her gratitude on behalf of…

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