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The Leadership of the Oakford Dominican Sister convened a “Younger Sisters Gathering” at St. Dominic’s Retreat Centre at the Bluff, Durban, South Africa from 1 – 14 August 2019.

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[Translate to English:] Sr. Reinhilde

Sr. Reinhilde always remained open to people's needs, cultivated contacts and took people's concerns with her in prayer. She had a special relationship with God and Our Lady.

As a result of the proposed closing of Dießen, she moved to the “Caritas-Seniorenzentrum St. Martin”, in Lohr, in December…

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[Translate to English:] Abschied und Neubeginn in Dießen

Gratefully, but not without sadness and the sorrow of leave-taking, the Dominican Sisters look back at their 170 years of life and work in Dießen. On 8 March, the parish bade them farewell with a Mass of Thanksgiving.

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[Translate to English:] Kloster_vom_Hornungsberg

Vor über 100 Jahren gegründet, ist das Kloster St. Josef in Neustadt am Main das Zentrum für alle Missionsdominikanerinnen in Deutschland. Gegründet wurde es, um Nachwuchs für die Dominikanerinnen der Hl. Katharina von Siena von Oakford (in Südafrika) für den Missionseinsatz vorzubereiten. Neustadt…

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Our mission magazine "kontinente" - (in German) - is a good and contemporary way to support our work, our values and our projects. It appears every two months.

In an eight-page insert, we report with four other Dominican Congregations on current issues of interest in our Order. "kontinente" shows …

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