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Mourning the death of Sr. Reinhilde Glöckner OP

[Translate to English:] Sr. Reinhilde

Sr. Reinhilde always remained open to people's needs, cultivated contacts and took people's concerns with her in prayer. She had a special relationship with God and Our Lady.

As a result of the proposed closing of Dießen, she moved to the “Caritas-Seniorenzentrum St. Martin”, in Lohr, in December 2018.
More and more, the afflictions of old age and illness came to the fore. Despite physical and mental pain, she accepted this time from God's hand without complaining.

She went to her God consciously and prepared. "I go to the light, to love, to life" (St Therese of Lisieux). This is how she expressed her dying on her remembrance card, designed by herself.

May she be an advocate for all of us from her new life.

Read more in the obituary