Mourning the death of Sr Maria-Linus Rudolf OP
Our Saviour Christ Jesus has taken away the power of death and brought us the light of incorruptible life through the gospel. (2 Tim 1:10b)
In faithful trust in God's love and mercy, our Sr. Maria-Linus Rudolf OP completed her earthly life.
Born on 2 October 1931
Professed on 3 May 1956
Called home on 4 April 2023 in Lohr am Main.
Sr Maria-Linus was born on 2 October 1931 in Weseritz (present-day Czech Republic). She attended the primary and secondary schools in Weseritz. In 1945 the family had to flee to neighbouring Bavaria due to the war. Sr. Maria-Linus began a commercial apprenticeship in Altötting in 1946 and subsequently worked as a commercial clerk.
After her First Profession, Sr Maria-Linus was sent to South Africa
In July 1954 she entered the Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena of Oakford/Natal in Neustadt. She made her First Profession in Neustadt on 3 May 1956 and was sent out to South Africa soon afterwards.
Sr Maria-Linus obtained her National Senior Certificate in South Africa and studied teaching at the University of Natal in Pietermaritzburg . Afterwards she taught at the Congregation's own schools "Sr. Aloysius" in Oakford (South Africa) and "St Theresa's High School" in Manzini (Swaziland - Eswatini). The dedicated geography and Afrikaans teacher loved to collect stones and knew how to tell a story about each of her collectibles.
In February 1962, Sr Maria-Linus made her final profession at Oakford
In February 1962, Sr Maria-Linus made her final profession at Oakford, South Africa. She worked in South Africa for many years. In 1980 she completed a leadership training course in Denver, Colorado (USA). From there she returned to Germany in 1981. Except for a twelve-month stay (1992 to 1993) in the Casa di Studio study house in Rome/Italy, she has lived in Germany ever since.
In Germany Sr Maria-Linus worked in Diessen am Ammersee and in Flörsheim
In the convent of the Dominican Sisters in Diessen, Ammersee, she was Subprioress from 1981 to 1983 and Prioress from 1983 to 1986 and supported the formation team with her experience.
In 1987 she moved to Flörsheim. There she worked in the administration in the Congregation-owned Marienkrankenhaus Flörsheim and - after a special training in 1986 - also became involved in the pastoral care of prisoners in Frankfurt-Preungesheim.
In 1993 she went back to Diessen. There she joined the team of the porter service. In 2018, when her strength began to fail, she left for the Caritas Senior Citizens Centre St. Martin in Lohr. There she passed away on Tuesday, 4 April 2023.
With great gratitude for her life and witness as a Missionary Dominican, we commend our departed sister to the prayers of our sisters and all those who felt connected to her in life and beyond death.
May the Lord, whom she served so generously, now welcome her to the place prepared for her in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Read more in the obituary
You can light a candle for Sr. Maria-Linus.
May she rest in peace
Dominican Sisters of Oakford/Natal