Platinum Jubilee at Villa Assumpta
70 Years Villa Assumpta: We look back with gratitude on seven decades, on all that has been and with hope for the future cooperation of all that make up our Villa-Assumpta-family.
„This special anniversary at Villa Assumpta called for an extraordinary celebration.This event brought together all our lay residents, all the Sisters, managers of other PADCA homes (PADCA stands for Pietermaritzburg & District Council for the Aged which is an old non-profit organisation that provides management for a number of old age facilities here. They have an Association and a Trust), some of our Sisters from the Bluff and from Ekukhanyeni and our staff - carers, cleaners and kitchen staff.
We had Nick a lovely man who loves coming to play his keyboard for the residents and has been doing so for many years at many of our functions. He plays by ear, has a lovely disposition and everyone loves him. His wife died last month - very suddenly - so it was wonderful that he still came.
The sisters had done some fund-raising and received donations of many of the companies we work with. This is how the marquee, tables, chairs and crockery came together. Cake was donated and the sisters provided the cool drinks. The catering company we use did the eats - all 'finger food' - sausage rolls, samosas, mini quiches, etc.
Sr. Paula-Mary and Sr. Alison were here too - so Sr. Alison read the story of Villa Assumpta, Sr. Paula-Mary cut the cake and Sr. Jackie said the grace.
For me it was a way to honour our Sisters who have gone before us and to pass on some of our legacy to those who are to come after.
The staff dressed up and sang and danced. They made up a song especially for us- so nice of them!“
Sr. Cecilia Marie Smit OP
Read more about the history of Villa Assumpta here